
Teen Pregnancy Awareness

Bringing awareness and educate families, teens and society on the affects teen pregnancy has on teens mentally, psychologically, economically and physically.

Omg! it’s a BABY!, wait aren’t you a little young to be having kids….

When people first see a teen have a child of their own, most say ” It’s a baby, having a bay.” What people fail to do is be understanding and be aware. For a while now we know women have the ability to carry and create life with the inclusion of men. Age is actually a key component to child bearing, once a girl gets her period she now has the ability to conceive. It can be as you as 9 or 10 when a girl menstrual cycle starts. That is why sexually and reproductive education should be taught and make ages 9-19 be made self aware of their reproductive health.

Mental impacts of teen pregnancy:

Pregnant teens are at a higher risk of postpartum depression, factors such as social influence and having to deal with emotional stress can cause more mental difficulties. Having to deal with such psychosis can prolong into the future causing mother to develop major depression.

Economic impact of teen pregnancy :

If teen is choosing to carry to term and or keep the child, she is more likely to drop of school to take care of child. When dropping out she is unable to complete her education, this can affect getting a higher paying job to provide for child’s needs such as diapers, clothes, formula and everyday necessities that are very pricey.


Social Impact

When being a young mother , socially teens will have a difficult time to adjust. Many will face discrimination , inappropriate behavior towards them on the fact of them being pregnant. Many will have their opinions on the teen , making teen feel ostracized.

Prevention and Contraceptives

  • Birth control pill: medication that contains 2 hormones (estrogen and progestin) to prevent pregnancy.
  • Condoms: keep sperm from entering the vagina
  • Vagina Ring: releases same hormones as the pill, but only need to be inserted in the vagina once a month.
  • Birth control implant : placed within the upper-arm and last up to 4 years depending on brand.

At the end of the day teen pregnancy can happen due to many factors, but we all should be aware of the risk and take precautions for the safety of teens.


Mangel, L. (2017, July 19). Teen pregnancy, discrimination, and the dropout rate. ACLU of Washington. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from

Nall, R. (2016, September 19). Effects of teenage pregnancy: Mental health. Healthline. Retrieved November 28, 2022, from


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